ST. LOUIS, MO - Archway Sales Inc., St. Louis, MO, has recognized several employees for their years of service to the company.
John Bowman, Midwest Region Sales Representative, was recognized for 35 years of service. John Baumstark Jr., Vice President Marketing, was recognized for 20 years of service. Karen Alpuente, Southern Region Customer Service, Tom Gass, St. Louis Warehouse Manager, and David Baumstark, Vice President Sales, were recognized for 15 years of service. Recognized for 10 years of service were: Jamie Smith, Price & Cost Changes/Customer Management; Ted Thurmond, Vice President Operations; and Chuck Piske, Midwest Regional Manager. Employees who have marked five years of service with the company include: Sherry Olmstead, Ohio Valley Customer Service and Team Lead for the Midwest and Northeast regions; Chris Moncelli, IT; Tyler Comerio, Corporate Sales Support Manger; Kristi Buecker, Human Resources; and Chris Russell, Business Operations Inventory Manger.
Archway Recognizes Employees for Service
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