CLEVELAND - GREENKOTE® Plc, a global coating technology company headquartered in Cleveland, will provide corrosion protection for selected Daimler automotive parts beginning in the first half of 2010. Initial orders include components for passenger-safety-related applications. Additionally, the automotive industry giant is finalizing technical approval of GREENKOTE as one of its suppliers of zinc diffusion coatings, using the company’s patented Thermo-Diffusion coating process.
The decision by Daimler to use GREENKOTE zinc thermal diffusion coating protection comes after nearly two years of testing zinc diffusion systems and topcoat on its products, especially those most sensitive to corrosion. The extensive testing involved mostly small screws, with more than 10 potential products identified to undergo the duplex coating process. Other small parts include fasteners, fixtures, screws, nuts and some critical wiper parts on several of Daimler’s automotive platforms including Limousine E-Class and S-Class vehicles.
GREENKOTE is a thermal diffusion coatings process that modifies and improves the basic surface characteristics of metals and is applicable to metal finished parts in many industries including automotive.