BETHESDA, MD - IIT Delhi and RadTech North America are sponsoring the first-ever ultraviolet and electron beam (UV/EB) Conference and Exhibition in New Delhi, India, scheduled for Nov. 1-4, 2009, in the India Habitat Center.
Manufacturing in the fast-growing Indian economy is increasingly turning to cutting-edge, clean and energy-saving UV/EB technologies to develop efficient and economical industrial processes. The conference and exhibition will include technical and practical sessions on high-performance coatings, renewable resources and green chemistry, and applications including automotive, wood, adhesives, inkjet, and printing and packaging.
"The Indian economy is projected to grow at over 5 percent this year despite a predicted contraction for major world economies," said Chander Chawla, Conference Organizer, DSM India. "For 2010, the Indian economy is projected to be the fastest growing at an 8 percent growth rate. Eco-friendly UV/EB technology is already well established for optical fiber, optical media, printing, packaging, and hard coats for plastics and wood; it continues to evolve for other applications."
For information about submitting an abstract for presentation, registration or exhibiting, visit