PRINCETON, NJ - Informex has announced that it will invite young chemists to attend the upcoming InformexUSA exhibition in San Francisco free of charge. The invitation opens the door for chemists and chemical engineers 25 and under to learn more about the chemical technologies manufacturers will require in the years ahead to commercialize new concepts in areas like nanotechnology, pharmaceutical fine chemicals and green chemistry. More than 500 chemical-industry companies and allied trades will exhibit molecules, chemical manufacturing techniques and material science concepts during InformexUSA, held Jan. 27-30.
According to Jennifer Jessup, Event Director, the open invitation is an opportunity for today’s young chemists to discuss the chemical technologies they’ll be called on to develop in the near future. “Technology advancement and the application of new technologies remains as the single most important goal of technology workers in the United States,” Jessup said. “Virtually every young chemist in America knows that with new chemical technologies come new opportunities to improve the quality of life for hundreds of millions of people around the globe. Informex is pleased to extend an invitation to the young chemists that want to contribute toward the chemical innovations of the future.”
For more information about the InformexUSA young chemists program, contact Jennifer Jessup, Event Director, at 609/759.4707, or e-mail