W. CONSHOHOCKEN, PA  -  A new edition of ASTM International Standards on Color and Appearance Measurement is now available in print and online. The compilation provides 126 ASTM standards used in appearance analysis for a variety of materials and products, such as acoustical tile, petroleum products, paints and coatings, paper, plastics, textiles, traffic marking materials, and pavement surfaces.  

In addition, titles of 130 additional ASTM standards are given where applicable to only one class of materials or where appearance is only a small part of the overall standards.  There are also several helpful tables provided in the compilation, which include: titles of 24 TAPPI (Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry) standards that are applicable to paper products; titles of ten AATCC (American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists) methods and eight evaluation procedures applicable to textile materials; titles of 13 SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) evaluation procedures applicable to the appearance of automotive materials; titles of 58 ISO standards applicable to appearance measurement for several different types of materials; titles of 10 CIE standards and numerous technical reports and guides; and titles of 13 selected CGATS (Committee for Graphic Arts Technologies) standards and six technical reports.  

Visit www.astm.org for additional information.