Chengdu, China - Lisa Jane Scheller, Chief Executive Officer, Silberline Manufacturing Co. Inc., recently led a seven-member delegation of aluminum industry leaders to the 2007 China Aluminum Forum in Chengdu, China.

Over a four-day period, Scheller opened the 500-participant forum, chaired a meeting of U.S. aluminum suppliers and potential Chinese aluminum company suppliers, and co-chaired a joint meeting of the Aluminum Association/China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association working group.

Scheller led the delegation in her capacity as a member of the Aluminum Association’s board of directors. The Aluminum Association, based in Arlington, VA, represents U.S. and foreign producers of aluminum, recyclers, and producers of semi-fabricated products, as well as suppliers to the industry. Member companies operate almost 200 plants in the United States and many conduct business worldwide.