Also elected officers for 2001-2002 were President-Elect David P. Jack, a coatings consultant based in Burlington, Ontario; and Secretary-Treasurer Richard M. Hille, vice president, Operations, at The Flood Co., Hudson, OH.
Pollano is a former chairman of the FSCT's Technical Advisory Committee and has been a member of the Annual Meeting Program, Corrosion, Planning, and Professional Development committees. She received the FSCT's highest honor, the George Baugh Heckel Award, in 1998. She is a past president of the New England Society for Coatings Technology.
Jack was formerly secretary-treasurer of the Coatings Industry Education Foundation (CIEF), and was a member of the FSCT board of directors from 1996 to 2001. He also is a past president of the Toronto Society for Coatings Technology.
Hille is a current member of the FSCT Executive Committee and the board of Directors, and is vice president and a trustee of the Coatings Industry Education Foundation. He has been chairman of several FSCT committees, including the Manufacturing and Program committees. He is a past president of the Chicago Society for Coatings Technology.