Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc., a world leader in process viscometers, recently assisted a leading northeast corporation in its gravure printing operations with in-line viscosity measurement and control.

A leading manufacturer of decorative wall coverings, pool liners and related products with water- and solvent-based roto-gravure coating/printing knows that measuring viscosity is critical to maintaining their product quality.

"Brookfield's AST-100® has made an immediate impact," stated the facilities manager. With the inline AST-100 from Brookfield Engineering, we have been able to accurately maintain our ink systems. "It has worked so well that we ordered another one as soon as we could. They are easy to use and run so well that sometimes we forget that they are there. It is essential to ensure viscosity measurement and control on the printing presses. It is required for a continuously matched color, which has a control sheet and a formula for each pattern. When you make up the inks you must keep them at the specified viscosity level in order to prevent color shifts during the course of the press run."

It is good news to Brookfield that its products perform so well that their clients say that they are "forgettable" once set into operation. However, when it comes to the client's bottom-line, Brookfield's viscometers are truly "unforgettable" for the value they add in efficiency and productivity. "This is evident in our customers repeat orders," stated Moses Mendez, product manager for Brookfield.

Brookfield's model AST-100 In-Line Process Viscometer is constructed with no moving parts. Its clean-in-place design and in-line measurement dramatically minimizes operator involvement. In addition, the AST-100 provides the key benefit of real-time viscosity control to make it a high-performing and very cost-effective instrument.

Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc., has a 70-year history serving a broad variety of markets and is well recognized for viscosity measurement and control. The company is ISO 9001 certified and guarantees all process viscometers for one year against defects in materials and workmanship. c

For information about the explosion-proof AST-100 Viscometer or other Brookfield products and services, contact Steve Cicchese at 800/628.8139, ext. 117, or 508/946.6200, or visit