The new automatic powder guns from WAGNER are for use in coating systems (PEA-X1), as well as robot-based production environments (PER-X1). Compared to the previous model, they offer several advantages. The product design received the internationally renowned Red Dot Award.

With its modular design and the variety of accessories, the new gun family enables a wide field of applications for all kinds of customer requirements. For example, the basic gun of the PEA-X1 can be combined with a bracket, XL extension or robot adapters. The PER-X1, in turn, can be combined with various robot mounts for single or dual use.

Depending on the application, various nozzles are available that are also compatible with the PEM-X1 manual gun that is part of the product family. The new angled nozzles, for example, can be used to reach difficult spots on the workpiece. With the angled adapter, this advantage can be extended even further.

They are ideal for both single-color and color change systems. For this purpose, they have been optimized, as has the nozzle system, in terms of their color change and cleaning capabilities. The optimized, streamlined design of the CoronaStar provides minimal areas for powder accumulations on the gun body and ensures efficient, automatic blow-off during color change. This way, the guns provide a more stable production process without waste. The improved powder cloud results in thinner, more uniform coating thicknesses. As a result, powder consumption is also significantly lower. In addition, powder accumulations in the nozzle or spitting occurs less frequently - thanks to the improved internal geometry.

Already installed systems with the previous WAGNER automatic guns can easily be retrofitted with the new guns. Installation and maintenance is very simple, which reduces service costs.

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