MFG Chemical has won four awards for plant safety and performance improvement from the chemical industry association SOCMA (Society of Chemical Manufacturers Association). MFG’s Kimberly Park plant won the Silver Award for EHS&S Planning & Operations. The plant completed a major improvement project to facility process equipment, piping, and equipment safety systems that substantially improved process controls and automation; redundancy in process cooling water; mitigation of risk from runaway reaction through the assessment and re-design of reactor relief systems; and improvements to process safety information for easier operator access and understanding. 

The Kimberly Park plant also won a Performance Improvement Award for Stakeholder Communications based on its installation of a new KPI (Key Performance Indicator) communication board, which shows current incident rates, event descriptions, safety observation results, training/compliance activity calendar, safety equipment information and tips, pre-shift safety moments, and safe work topics.

MFG’s Callahan Road plant also won a Performance Improvement Awards for Stakeholder Communication, and an Award for Product Stewardship. The Product Stewardship award was based on comprehensive improvements to the processes used to select and approve suppliers and related logistics services. As part of these improvements, a new annual review and communications process now provides performance feedback to suppliers, including a score, part of which is based on EHS&S performance.

“We are very proud of the MFG Chemical team, and its total dedication to plant safety and continuous performance improvement,” said Paul Turgeon, MFG Chemical president & CEO. “At MFG Chemical, safety is more than our top priority. The ‘safety ethic’ is embedded into our company culture and everything we do. MFG Chemical provides world-class, custom chemical manufacturing service to its customers because of this great, award-winning team. MFG’s completion last year of Project Odyssey, a multi-million-dollar investment which added capacity, greater safety, and improved efficiency at all three of our Dalton, Georgia, plants, is also contributing to our success.”

“These Awards are an indication of the strong efforts by the sites to continue to improve EHS&S performance,” said Joe Welch, MFG VP EHS&S. “We appreciate this recognition by the SOCMA judging committee. There are 140 SOCMA member companies, and we are thrilled to be selected among the 12 other award recipient members.”

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