NEW YORK – NAGASE & CO. LTD. recently announced the appointment of Bradley Hilborn as the new CEO of its Americas division, Nagase Holdings America Corp. Hilborn has been with NAGASE for 21 years and was previously Vice President of Business Strategy & Planning at Nagase Holdings America. The appointment reportedly represents a milestone in NAGASE’s history as the company expands its executive leadership team outside of Japan.

“I am pleased to announce Bradley Hilborn, a veteran of NAGASE, as the CEO of the Americas region,” said Kenji Asakura, President and CEO of NAGASE & CO. LTD. “Under Mr. Hilborn’s exceptional leadership, I am confident that locally developed businesses that better meet the needs of customers will increase, and as a result, the presence and business of the NAGASE Group in the Americas will expand.”

In the position, Hilborn will emphasize value-added models in key areas such as research and development, market strategy, technical support, and distribution. He seeks to use this model to serve customers and suppliers by streamlining services to help solve their challenges under one roof. Having been involved deeply in biochemistry throughout his career, Hilborn is also looking to utilize sustainable chemistry for the company by pursuing new pathways in biothermal energy, biocatalysis, agricultural biotechnology, and more.

“My focus is to accelerate growth by maximizing connectivity among our affiliates throughout the region,” Hilborn said of his vision for the company. “Through investments in our existing organizations or acquisition of new ones we will expand our reach and capabilities. We are looking to leverage our organization’s assets from research and development, manufacturing, application development, and distribution as we aim to step up what’s possible for customers and suppliers.”

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