COLOGNE, Germany – Specialty chemicals company LANXESS is imposing global price surcharges for its inorganic pigments with immediate effect. Prices will rise by €400 per metric ton for iron oxide pigments from the production site in Krefeld-Uerdingen, Germany, and €200 from the Porto Feliz site in Brazil – or the equivalent amount in national currency. In addition, the Inorganic Pigments business unit is also adjusting the quotations for chromium oxides. Customers will be contacted individually.

Regarding the price increase, LANXESS stated, “The reasons for the adjustments are, in particular, unprecedented challenges with a significant impact on production and logistics. Compared with the previous year, energy prices are at a significantly higher level and are expected to remain high and volatile for the rest of the year, not least as a result of the war in Ukraine. Enormous shortages and cost increases for raw materials and freight capacities are additional burdening factors.”

Detailed information on the product range can be found at