TROY, MI — After much research and collaboration, BNP Media announced the debut of its newly certified Digital Audience Profile (DAP). BNP Media partnered with BPA Worldwide’s iCompli Tech Assurance to certify the technology and processes behind the DAP.

The first of its kind, the DAP reports audience count, engagement metrics, and demographics for the core products of each BNP Media brand, originating from BPA audited and non-audited sources. These core products include magazines (print & digital), email marketing, websites, webinars, events and continuing education.

One of BNP Media’s top priorities is a focus on the quality of audience data and transparently reporting that data. As a trusted B-to-B media leader in an increasingly digital landscape, BNP’s goal was to create a Digital Audience Profile (DAP) that provides advertisers an expanded view of audiences’ engagement with BNP Media products.

“Our Digital Audience Profile provides our advertisers with a deep understanding of how our audiences engage with our content across all of our platforms,” Tagg Henderson, Owner & Co-CEO of BNP Media said. “The DAP also gives an unmatched level of reporting transparency in the B-to-B media world. We look forward to leading the way with BPA in this endeavor.”

Using advanced data processing tools, the DAP merges data on all BNP Media customers across BNP’s portfolio of products. Displaying user demographics across each product for any known audience member helps advertisers and prospects see how utilizing the full suite of BNP Media products allows them to not only reach unique audiences in each product, but also gives them multiple touchpoints for like audiences to expand, reinforce their brand message, and re-engage audiences in different ways.

“BPA iCompli conducted a rigorous review and has certified BNP Media’s policies, processes and technology used to create the DAP platform,” explained Rich Murphy, BPA’s Executive Vice President. “We applaud BNP Media’s commitment to transparency, accountability and innovation.”

All Digital Audience Profiles can be found on any of BNP Media brand’s Advertiser Resources page. To start gaining valuable information for your business, visit to contact a sales representative.