ARLINGTON, VA – National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD) President Eric R. Byer issued a statement commending the U.S. Senate for confirming Robert Primus and Michelle Schultz to fill the two remaining vacancies on the Surface Transportation Board (STB).

In the statement, Byer said, “Having a fully staffed U.S. Surface Transportation Board is of paramount importance for chemical distributors. The STB makes critical decisions for rail customers that impact their daily operations and their bottom lines.

“The confirmation of Robert Primus and Michelle Schultz will go a long way in reaffirming the STB as the authority on rail issues, particularly as it relates to demurrage charges and rail service matters important to the chemical industry and rail customers across the country.

“We thank the Senate for confirming Primus and Schultz and look forward to working with them to ensure the board can more effectively carry out its charge to protect the interests of rail customers and railroads.”