PARIS — Safic-Alcan announced the creation of an Executive Committee, which will gradually take office by the end of 2020. The SAFIC-ALCAN group’s revenue has increased three-fold over the last 12 years, making essential to reinforce the group management team, which has been led by Martial Lecat, Philippe Combette and Jean-Michel Guyon since 2007. The committee consists of long-serving senior managers of the company. They include: Martial Lecat, Chairman of the holding company MYRTIL; Philippe Combette, Chairman Safic-Alcan; Jean-Michel Guyon, Chief Financial Officer; Philippe Cenreaud, Managing Director Rubber & Plastics; Juliette Gamez, Chief Digital Officer; Yann Lissillour, Managing Director CASE & Industrial Specialties and head of the M&A group; and Jose Lora, Managing Director Life Sciences.
“We are confident that this new organization will ensure the necessary transition between generations and prepare the company for the challenges of the coming years”, said Lecat and Combette.