THE HAGUE, Netherlands — RadTech Europe (RTE), the European association for the promotion of the UV/EB curing technology, is rebranding to better reflect its new strategy in being a focal point in the UV/EB technology and to unite players in the industry to further strengthen the UV/EB market.

Paul Kelly, RTE President, said, "To all players in the UV/EB industry and their potential clients, the RadTech Europe association is the number-one focal point for all reliable and transparent information on our technology, as well as the facilitator that helps members connect. Together with our members, we protect and promote our technology's image. We help the market gain clarity in the functionality, safety and sustainability of UV/EB technology, as well as its potential. RadTech is Europe's biggest UV/EB technology association connecting over 150 industry players throughout the value chain. We collaborate closely with universities and laboratories to provide the world with objective insights."

New Logo

The rebranding includes a redesign of the website, logo and communications. RadTech Europe's new branding includes a simplified, more modern looking logo with a fresh green contrasting color. It was important to keep the color purple as a recognizable element for a well-known brand in the industry, but it has been modernized in a way that is still clear and simplistic. The green is also referring to the sustainability of the technology.

Enabling Collaboration

RadTech Europe is supporting industry collaboration by offering the possibility to start new working groups based on a common goal or target. Recently, the deinking working group was established to identify misinformation and possibly set up a new study.

New Online Knowledge Center

The rebranding also means a new website. The association is currently working on a completely new website with new features such as an improved knowledge base, market maps and educational videos. The new website will launch in October 2020.