ORLANDO, FL — Smart Coatings 2020 is set to take place Feb. 26-28, 2020, in Orlando, Florida. The event brings together scientists and technologists in the field of smart and functional materials from around the globe, with a focus on the most recent advances in technology, processes and products.

The overarching goal of Smart Coatings has been to provide a forum for scientific exchange and advanced learning, with an emphasis on "take-home implementation." Since its inception 16 years ago, participants have found Smart Coatings inspiring, rewarding and highly informative.

A few of the confirmed speakers for the event include Professor Rodney Priestley of Princeton University, Dr. Alice M. Savage of the Army Research Laboratory, Dr. Robert Allen of the IBM Almaden Research Center, Professor Malancha Gupta of the University of Southern California, Professor Richard Spontak of North Carolina State University, and Dr. Peter Zarras of the Naval Air Warfare Center.

To register, visit https://www.smartcoatings.org/smartcoatme.html.