WASHINGTON — The International Paint and Printing Ink Council has changed its name to the World Coatings Council. The change reflects the organization’s enhanced focus on coatings globally. Increasingly, coatings matters are being considered on a global level at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other international bodies. As such, the World Coatings Council aims to expand its reach with stronger engagement with all parties as the voice of the global coatings industry.

“Through its renewed identity, the World Coatings Council remains committed to all of the coatings industry and its member associations worldwide,” said World Coatings Council President Andy Doyle, who also serves as CEO of the American Coatings Association.

The council provides a forum for information exchange and cooperation on the major issues and priorities facing the coatings industry worldwide. To that end, the council’s mission is to:

  • Represent the coatings industry on key international issues;
  • Monitor and communicate issues of importance to the coatings industry;
  • Promote product stewardship and environmental responsibility through implementation of principles and practices by coatings companies and associations on a worldwide basis;
  • Develop policies and positions on issues of common interest to the participating organizations; and
  • Serve as technical expert for coatings and printing inks industries before the United Nations and related organizations.

The World Coatings Council is comprised of members representing associations from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, EU, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Turkey, United Kingdom, and the United States. The American Coatings Association currently serves in the Secretariat position.

For information about the council and the activities it is involved in on behalf of the global coatings industry, visit www.worldcoatingscouncil.org.