MONHEIM AM RHEIN, Germany — From May 26, 2018, Oxea’s production site in Oberhausen, Germany, will undergo the regular statutory planned turnaround. For an expected four weeks of routine inspections, the facilities at the Oberhausen site will be shut down as part of a coordinated maintenance plan. Oxea will use this time to implement projects, such as eliminating production bottlenecks and modernizing plants according to the latest technological findings.

"Planned turnarounds and associated measures contribute to the safe and efficient operation and extend the life of our plants. The multitude of tasks in this project requires a broad and well-coordinated organization. For many months, we meticulously prepared ourselves for this turnaround with about 15 teams from the technical, operational and commercial areas at Oxea. A smooth process and on-time delivery are important to us. However, safety is Oxea's top priority," said Project Manager Ing. Oliver Bülters.

Oxea has taken all measures to ensure that the contractual delivery obligations are met even during the turnaround at the Oberhausen plant. Jacco de Haas, Vice President of Global Sales at Oxea, said, "Our customers know us as a reliable partner. Working closely with our supply chain unit, we have made clear agreements that we will comply with."