Alberdingk Boley, Inc. (ABI), a global supplier of innovative water-based dispersions, is exhibiting at Booth 415. With a legacy of more than 185 years in castor and linseed oils, driven by tradition and innovative technology, ABI is a proud, responsive supplier of environmentally friendly, water-based emulsions and dispersions to the paint and coatings, adhesives, and graphic arts industries.
With a wide array of technology platforms of specialty emulsions and polyurethane dispersions, the company partners with customers to provide tailor-made solutions and help them succeed and lead in their respective markets.
The product portfolio is innovative and high performance; 50% of ABI’s products have been developed in the last five years to meet ever changing market needs. The company offers a full line of waterborne emulsions and dispersions including: multiphase acrylic dispersions, NMP-free polyurethane dispersions, totally solvent-free dispersions, alkyl-phenol (APEO)-free dispersions, UV-curable dispersions, acrylic polyurethane copolymers, and castor oil and linseed oil polyols.
Laurie Morris will be giving a presentation at the conference on Waterborne UV-Curable Resins for Industrial Wood Applications. Her presentation will discuss information relating to features, performance and advantages of WB UV coatings as well as a description of the chemistries involved. The study compares the properties of WB UV coatings with those of more traditional technologies. Test methods and formulating concepts will be discussed.