ATLANTA - After the acquisition of Nubiola by Ferro Corp., the Nubiola Pigment Applications Team implemented a Chemistry Internship Program with Georgia Gwinnett College’s School of Science and Technology. The Nubiola Applications Team recently visited the GCC campus with Aaron Williams, Plant Manager for Ferro’s Gwinnett County, GA, operations site.

Jordan Hunter is the first Georgia Gwinnett College student set to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry as well as the first student working for college credit hours from the Ferro Pigments Technical Applications Laboratory, which is just outside of Atlanta in Gwinnett County. Hunter and Dr. Joseph Sloop, Professor of Chemistry and Assistant Dean for Georgia Gwinnett College’s School of Science and Technology, led the tour, which highlighted chemistry laboratory facilities in the college’s newly opened Allied Health and Sciences Building. The Georgia Gwinnett College internship program allows advanced chemistry students to experience an industrial laboratory work environment.

The newly formed chemistry internship expresses Ferro Corp.’s commitment to education and supporting younger generations and to maintain a leadership position in the manufacture of inorganic pigments.