MINNEAPOLIS – Bercom Inc., the national manufacturer of HANDy Paint Products, is inviting do-it-yourself painters to enter its 4th Annual HANDy Paint Products’ Online Video Contest.

To enter, contestants must submit a short video (1 1/2 - 4 minutes long) in which a HANDy Paint Product is used in some way, shape or form. All HANDy Paint Products are acceptable for use in a video, including the popular HANDy Paint Pail, Paint Tray, Paint Cup, Roller Cup, Roller Pail, and Ladder Pail.

“Every year, we’re excited to see the creativity and talent that contest entrants bring to their videos,” said Mark Bergman, President and CEO of Bercom Inc. “We look forward to seeing even more innovative ways to use HANDy Paint Products during the 2015 contest.”

The HANDy Paint Products Online Video Contest grand prize is $2,000 in cash. Second place receives $750, and third place receives $250. The top three winners also each receive a GoPro camera. All contest entrants receive $50 worth of free HANDy Paint Products. An additional $5,000 prize will be given to whoever from the Top 10 finalists is able to make his or her video “go viral” on the HANDy Paint Products YouTube channel by the end of 2015 (e.g. with 50,000 views or more).

The deadline for video entries is August 31, 2015. Entry details can be downloaded online. Call 877/464.1170 with questions.

Finalists will be featured at the September 26, 2015, HANDy Paint Products Film Festival taking place at Bercom headquarters in Chanhassen, MN, where the top three videos will be chosen by local celebrity judges.