BETHESDA, MD - Industry professionals have many reasons to attend uv.eb WEST 2015, which is scheduled for March 10-11, in Redondo Beach, CA.

For the keynote address, Al Marquardt from Kimberly-Clark will present an insider's view of what consumer product companies think of inks, and how and when they use inks, specialty inks and color to sell their products.

A new partnership with The Sustainable Green Printing Partnership will be announced, which will include a presentation titled "Leveraging UV/EB Sustainability in the Printing Industry."

Sean Evans from Amgraph Packaging will present "Printing Packaging with UV Inkjet - Barriers to Installation" at the UV/EB Inkjet conference session, and six UV LED industry leaders will answer the question, "What New Products and Processes will UV LEDs Enable in 2015?" in a special conference session.

Organizers have added presentations on “Emerging/Future Applications for UV Cure Technologies” and "Market Update on UV LED Applications" to the UV+EB Curing Technology Innovations conference session. At 3D Printing Live, B9Creations LLC will demonstrate one of the company’s 3D printers.  

The deadline for discounted registration is February 23. To register online, visit