Isabel Meza
Technical Service & Development
Dow Silicones Corporation
Isabel Meza is the Technical Service & Development / Research Scientist in Dow Silicones Corporation since 2022, working very closely with coating-resins, and specifically in the Thermal Insulation Coatings. Isabel has been deeply passionate for understanding all the physical and chemical interactions that exist between the industry and the environment. She has worked in Ecuador and the United States with several industries in environmental compliance, and during her post-graduate degree with uranyl arsenates synthesis for the overarching goal of uranium and arsenic decontamination from water resources in Native American lands. Isabel is originally from Ecuador, with a BSc. in Environmental Engineering and a MSc. in Environmental Management and Natural Resources, and a PhD in Environmental Engineering. Isabel is very excited to be able to work for DOW and support its sustainable goal to produce quality products while preserving and protecting the natural environment that we have, for us, and for our future generations.