Conveyor Chain Pin
Jervis B. Webb Co., a subsidiary of Daifuku Webb Holding Co., introduced a new pin that will extend the life of conveyor chain. Webb’s conveyor chain is found in thousands of paint finishing systems around the world.
“We are constantly improving our products, even our oldest one, chain conveyor, which we developed for Henry Ford more than 90 years ago,” said Brian Stewart, President & CEO of Daifuku Webb Holding Co. “LubriPin™ is one of the most significant advancements to conveyor chains in the last decade.”
LubriPin facilitates improved lubrication, which significantly increases the longevity of conveyor chain. Lubrication also reduces chain stretch and noise generated by the conveyor system. LubriPin includes features that allow the oil to flow quickly down the pin in order to reach critical lubrication points.
Visit www.daifukuwebb.com.