ASTM International Offers Workshop on Uncertainty in Coatings
WEST CONSHOHOCKEN, PA — A workshop titled “Uncertainty in the Coatings Industry” will be held January 27, 2014, at the Hyatt Regency Houston in Houston, TX. Sponsored by ASTM International Committee D01 on Paint and Related Coatings, Materials and Applications, the workshop will be held in conjunction with the standards development meetings of the committee.
During the workshop, attendees will look at three common activities and the devices used to collect data to reduce uncertainty associated with color, coating thickness and viscosity. Of the three, color is the most recent to emerge from subjective uncertainty to objective uncertainty. With both coating thickness and viscosity, the levels of uncertainty are dependent on several factors associated with the particular device’s accuracy and precision.
Nick Barnes of Tintometer Ltd. will present a close examination of color testing techniques. John Fletcher of Elcometer Ltd. will give a presentation on coating thickness testing, and Cliff Schoff of Schoff Associates will give a presentation on viscosity.
Online registration opens approximately eight weeks before the workshop and closes January 22. There is no attendance fee for ASTM members, presenters and students. The fee for non-ASTM members is $50 online and $75 onsite. Visit www.astm.org/D01WrkshpJan_2014 for additional meeting and registration information.