EPA Set to Issue Proposed Air Emissions Rule for Plating and Polishing Operations - Posted 6/20/07
June 20, 2007
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is required under the Clean Air Act to promulgate new air emission regulations for plating and polishing operations. EPA is considering several control options for the proposed rule. The industry is completing its initial phase of discussion with federal EPA air officials by providing the Agency with relevant technical information, real-world experience at the plant, and potential impacts of the control options under consideration for the surface finishing industry. EPA expects to issue the proposed rule by October 2007 and publish a final rule by June 2008.
For more information on the industry’s efforts with EPA on the new air emissions rule, visit the NASF website at www.nasf.org or contact The Policy Group at 202.457.0630.
For more information on the industry’s efforts with EPA on the new air emissions rule, visit the NASF website at www.nasf.org or contact The Policy Group at 202.457.0630.