
Indianapolis to Host FIN-X '07: A Showcase of Finishing Advances

August 1, 2007
FIN-X ’07 will include a technical conference packed with more than 55 technical presentations in 25 different sessions and an expo floor filled with more than 100 exhibitors that provide products and services to industrial finishers.

The Indianapolis Artsgarden, a dramatic glass dome suspended over a busy downtown intersection, is connected with a skywalk to the Indiana Convention Center & RCA Dome, where FIN-X ’07 will be held. Photo courtesy of the Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association.

Several thousand visitors are expected to travel to Indianapolis, IN, September 17-20, 2007, to attend FIN-X ’07, the international conference and expo for industrial finishers. Held at the Indiana Convention Center, the event will include a technical conference packed with more than 55 technical presentations in 25 different sessions and an expo floor filled with more than 100 exhibitors that provide products and services to industrial finishers. The event is being sponsored by five of the leading industry trade associations: The Chemical Coaters Association, The Electrocoat Association, The Society of Manufacturing Engineers, The Porcelain Enamel Institute and the Infrared Div. of the Industrial Heating Equipment Association.

New and innovative features will be launched at FIN-X ’07, including a finishing demonstration lab where conference attendees can get hands-on experience spraying powder coatings and using the VirtualPaint™ training system for simulation of liquid finishing; a technical session on powder coating conducted completely in Spanish; and a timely keynote address from author Mike Collins on “Saving American Manufacturing.”

During the educational sessions, attendees will learn how to reduce production costs, become more energy efficient, hear about emerging technologies and learn from the experiences of other finishers. Presentations from 13 end users of industrial coatings will be part of the FIN-X conference program. Visitors can also speak with leading industry suppliers on the show floor to see the latest technologies and compare processes in person. “We believe people still want to feel and touch the products they buy,” comments Anne Goyer, FIN-X conference and show manager. “Trade shows are the only place where finishers can meet in person with current and potential suppliers to learn how to use new products and technologies to improve their finishing operations.”

Goyer notes that registration fees have been reduced over other finishing industry conferences and exhibitions of the past several years to make it more affordable to attend the conference and expo or the expo only. Members of the sponsoring associations can pre-register for the full conference for just $450. The non-member pre-registration fee for the full conference is $550. One-day fees have been reduced as well - the one-day member pre-registration conference fee is $200, while the non-member fee is $225. “Our goal is to attract and educate more finishers by offering an outstanding event at a reasonable cost,” Goyer notes.

FIN-X ’07 will also host two events that will donate proceeds to charities. A Monday Night Football Party will be held in the Indianapolis Colts Touchdown club on September 17, complete with food, refreshments, raffle prizes and the game on a series of televisions. Additionally, a 5K Race/Walk for Fun will take place on Wednesday morning, September 19. Sponsored by Nalco, this long-standing event at shows has donated thousands of dollars to various charities over the years.

The conference program, exhibitor list and online registration can be found at www.fin-xshow.com. To receive a copy of the complete registration brochure by mail, call Goyer Management at 513.624.9988.