Coil Coatings Solve Problem for U.S. Steel - Posted 10/10/07
October 10, 2007
Architects, building designers and structural engineers love to incorporate the rich, organic look of weathering steels, such as COR-TEN® Steel, in their work. As demand for these steels grew, United States Steel Corp. (U. S. Steel), headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, faced a challenge that was solved through a coil coating technique.
Architects, building designers and structural engineers love to incorporate the rich, organic look of weathering steels, such as COR-TEN® Steel, in their work. As demand for these steels grew, United States Steel Corp. (U. S. Steel), headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, faced a challenge that was solved through a coil coating technique.
In some exterior architectural applications, COR-TEN steel does not provide enough structural integrity. U. S. Steel developed a new product called COR-TEN AZP® by coil coating its GALVALUME® steel sheet substrate. Utilizing coil coating's superior corrosion protection, U. S. Steel then worked to develop a paint finish that would mimic the color and texture of naturally aged weathering steel. The system the company chose includes a PVDF primer, brown topcoat and a contrasting overlay print. Additionally, the topcoat contains infrared reflective pigments in order
to make it a "cool roof" product, which meets energy codes and standards in many areas. These multiple paint layers require a two-pass process, as well as a special print-roll to apply the contrasting overlay. However, the process is made easy by working with a coil coater on a highly automated, continuous loop process prepaint system.
The resulting product mimics the look of COR-TEN steel and provides builders with the color and texture of weathering steel, while maintaining the structural integrity of the thin-gauge steel.
For more information about coil coating, visit www.coilcoatinginstitute.org. U.S. Steel’s website is at www.ussteel.com.
Architects, building designers and structural engineers love to incorporate the rich, organic look of weathering steels, such as COR-TEN® Steel, in their work. As demand for these steels grew, United States Steel Corp. (U. S. Steel), headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, faced a challenge that was solved through a coil coating technique.
In some exterior architectural applications, COR-TEN steel does not provide enough structural integrity. U. S. Steel developed a new product called COR-TEN AZP® by coil coating its GALVALUME® steel sheet substrate. Utilizing coil coating's superior corrosion protection, U. S. Steel then worked to develop a paint finish that would mimic the color and texture of naturally aged weathering steel. The system the company chose includes a PVDF primer, brown topcoat and a contrasting overlay print. Additionally, the topcoat contains infrared reflective pigments in order
to make it a "cool roof" product, which meets energy codes and standards in many areas. These multiple paint layers require a two-pass process, as well as a special print-roll to apply the contrasting overlay. However, the process is made easy by working with a coil coater on a highly automated, continuous loop process prepaint system.
The resulting product mimics the look of COR-TEN steel and provides builders with the color and texture of weathering steel, while maintaining the structural integrity of the thin-gauge steel.
For more information about coil coating, visit www.coilcoatinginstitute.org. U.S. Steel’s website is at www.ussteel.com.