Collaborate 2006 Scheduled for October
September 12, 2006
Companies such as Ford, Toyota, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and United Airlines will participate in Collaborate 2006, October 10-12 at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, AL. The event, which is hosted by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), the Alabama Aerospace Industry Association and the Alabama Automotive Manufacturers Association, will include keynote panelists Kevan Sklanka, lean coordinator for the Airframe Organization, United Airlines; Mark Brazeal, vice president and general manager of the Toyota Engine Plant, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Alabama; Rick Hulcher, site director, Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control, Alabama Operations; and George N. Bullen, principal engineer, Western Region, Northrop Grumman Corp.
A tour of the Boeing Delta Launch Vehicle Factory in Decatur, AL, also highlights this event. This state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is designed to produce rockets with increased quality, efficiency and cost effectiveness. Stephen Jacques, vice president, Manufacturing-Operations and Supplier Management Integrated Defense Systems for the Boeing Co., will also be presenting as part of the conference. The three-day program is expected to bring together industry leaders and innovators to share best practices and work together on new technology applications and processes.
For more information, visit www.sme.org.
A tour of the Boeing Delta Launch Vehicle Factory in Decatur, AL, also highlights this event. This state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is designed to produce rockets with increased quality, efficiency and cost effectiveness. Stephen Jacques, vice president, Manufacturing-Operations and Supplier Management Integrated Defense Systems for the Boeing Co., will also be presenting as part of the conference. The three-day program is expected to bring together industry leaders and innovators to share best practices and work together on new technology applications and processes.
For more information, visit www.sme.org.