
ROWA Group Expands Facilities in Germany

September 29, 2011

PINNEBERG, Germany - The ROWA Group is currently expanding its storage capacities for raw materials at its Pinneberg, Germany, site.

The number of 15-meter silos at the site was increased in March; there are now 14 silos with storage capacity of 1,100 metric tons. ROMIRA GmbH is using the newly gained capacities to store raw materials like SAN, polyamide. ROWA Masterbatch GmbH has also included one of the silos in its polyamide production.

The ROWA Group is also adding new high-bay shelves at the Pinneberg site. With the newly constructed high-bay storage facility, all companies in the ROWA Group that are located in Pinneberg will have plenty of storage space for raw materials and finished goods. Fourteen rows of high-bay shelves are now being erected over a total floor space of 46 meters. This will create 4,176 store-and-drop positions for euro pallets.