
Arch Chemicals' Chairman Calls for Ratification of Free Trade Agreement

December 12, 2010

NORWALK, CT -- Michael E. Campbell, Chairman, President and CEO of Arch Chemicals Inc. and a long-time member of the Advisory Committee For Trade Policy and Negotiations, has called on American companies and workers to encourage Congress to ratify the Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement. Trade officials from both countries just announced that they have come to terms on issues that have held up ratification of this agreement for almost three years.

"This is the largest free trade agreement since NAFTA, and it will provide significant economic benefits for both countries," said Campbell. "It is of particular significance for the United States because the increase in U.S. exports to Korea will provide jobs for thousands of American workers, just when jobs must be the most important focus of U.S. economic policy."

Having served on the trade Advisory Committee since 2005, Campbell was reappointed as a member by President Barack Obama in September 2010. Mr. Campbell is also a member of the Committee's China Task Force.



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