
MNYPCA Elects Officers and Board of Directors

June 27, 2010

HIGHLANDS, NJ - At its recent meeting, the Metropolitan New York Paint & Coatings Association (MNYPCA) elected its officers and Board of Directors for the upcoming year. The organization also awarded the President’s Achievement Award and heard a presentation on the events of 9/11 from Lee Ielpi, a fireman who was involved in the rescue operation on September 11, 2001, and who lost his fireman son on that fateful day.

The elections resulted in Nick DiGennaro (Munzing US) becoming the President, Robert Kelley (Sheldon Gross Realty) the Vice-President and Vicki Corbo (Clifton Adhesive Inc.) the Secretary-Treasurer. The Board of Directors will include Tom Daquila (Eagle Specialty Products), Kurt Maas (Champion Container Corp.), Michael Granito (D.H. Litter Co. Inc.), Robert Landzettel (Landzettel & Sons), Rick Mazzariello (Enrichem Specialties LLC), James S. Norton (The Muralo Co.), Michael Schnurr (National Paint Industries), Peter Tepperman (Seagrave Coatings Corp.), Murray Greene (Hawthorne Paint Co. Inc.), Chris Morris (Brady Palmer Label Corp.) and Robert Whiteley (JNS SmithChem LLC).

Other awards were given in the course of the meeting. Joseph McNiff received a Paint Pioneer Certificate for his 25 years in the paint industry, and Tom Daquila received his Past President’s plaque. The highest award of the evening, however, was the President’s Achievement Award, which went to Robert Whiteley of JNS SmithChem LLC. The award is given to that person who has made outstanding contributions and exhibited dedication to the association.