Joint Corrosion Terminology Standard Announced
September 25, 2009
WEST CONSHOHOCKEN, PA - A new terminology standard is the result of a joint effort between the two major organizations that develop corrosion standards, ASTM International and NACE International. The new standard, NACE/ASTM G193, Terminology and Acronyms Relating to Corrosion, was developed by Subcommittee J01.02, Working Group on Terminology, under the jurisdiction of J01, Joint ASTM/NACE Committee on Corrosion. Committee J01 was formed as a pilot program for the two organizations to develop joint standards, preventing duplication of effort.
“The new NACE/ASTM joint terminology standard will be used by not only ASTM and NACE, but also by other corrosion organizations worldwide to prevent confusion in corrosion testing and in the interpretation of corrosion standards,” said Harvey Hack, Senior Advisory Engineer, Northrop Grumman Corp., Undersea Systems, and Chair of J01.02.
NACE/ASTM G193 was developed by first compiling all terms that were defined in both of the original NACE and ASTM corrosion terminology standards. The best definition for each of these terms was selected, or aspects of both the NACE and ASTM definitions were combined to create a new definition. Following this, terms that were defined in only one of the original terminology documents were added to the new standard. NACE/ASTM G193 contains more than 400 terms, along with a list of acronyms.
NACE/ASTM G193 has potential for wide usage by researchers in government, industry and academia, by standards writers and by anyone who uses corrosion standards.