
No Crisis at UTECH Europe 2009

April 13, 2009

MAASTRICHT, the Netherlands - Despite the economic uncertainty, the 10th UTECH Europe event, held in Maastricht, the Netherlands, from March 31 to April 2, was rated a success, with attendance far exceeding the expectations of all exhibitors. Most of the more than 140 exhibitors made the same point at the end of the event, that visitor levels had been well above their predictions, and the quality of those attending was high. In fact, more than 2836 industry professionals from 86 different countries attended the show, including the almost 400 registered delegates for the conference, which ran parallel with the exhibition.
The conference, with more than 60 presentations, also saw smaller overall numbers, but most sessions had solid attendances. The opening plenary and market sessions, which filled the morning of the first day, played to more than 140 people, while many of the technical sessions also had more than 100 delegates present, even where two parallel sessions were running at the same time.
The next UTECH Europe show will be held in 2012, but 2010 sees the second UTECH North America exhibition. The event is organized by Crain Communications Ltd., publisher of Urethanes Technology International, and runs in conjunction with the Polyurethanes 2010 conference, organized by the Center for the Polyurethanes Industry.