Bayer MaterialScience AG Focuses on Waterborne Dispersions
July 1, 2008
Germany - The Coatings, Adhesives, Specialties (CAS) business unit of Bayer
MaterialScience AG is increasing its focus on waterborne dispersions as raw
materials for coatings and adhesives. Bayer MaterialScience is expanding
production of waterborne dispersions to meet the ongoing rise in demand for
these environmentally friendly raw materials.
Of particular strategic importance will be the startup of a new production plant for polyurethane dispersions (PUD) in Shanghai, China, and the future production of acrylic dispersions at the El Prat site in Spain, where a significant capacity increase is planned to keep pace with the strong growth of waterborne one- and two-component applications.
Of particular strategic importance will be the startup of a new production plant for polyurethane dispersions (PUD) in Shanghai, China, and the future production of acrylic dispersions at the El Prat site in Spain, where a significant capacity increase is planned to keep pace with the strong growth of waterborne one- and two-component applications.