
Abstracts Due Jan. 16 for Coatings for Plastics Symposium

December 1, 2005
Troy, Mich. - A call for papers has been issued for the 9th International Coatings for Plastics Symposium, June 5-7, 2006, at the MSU Management Education Center in Troy, Mich. The symposium, which is sponsored by PCI Magazine, explores emerging trends in the coatings for plastics industry and defines those technologies that will have an impact on the industry's future. Abstracts are due by Jan. 16, 2006.

The program consists of a two-and-a-half-day symposium featuring 35-minute paper presentations. In addition, suppliers will be invited to showcase their products and services related to this area through tabletop exhibits.

The symposium will focus on the following topics: New Waterborne Coatings and Plastics, Improving Adhesion, Manufacturer's Viewpoint, UV-Cured Coatings, Film Laminates, Future of Interior Coating, Coatings/Resins for Plastics, Paint Flow and Solvent Packages, Regulations, Resins Application, and Polymer Features That Aid in TPO Adhesion.

To be considered to present a paper, please fill out the form at the link http://conferences.bnpmedia.com/PCI/CFP/CFP_Forms.htm and fax it back to 248/502.2127 or e-mail it to kreiderj@bnpmedia.com.