Surface Specialties Sites Achieve All-Time Safety Records
April 1, 2005
ATLANTA - Surface Specialties, Inc., announced that three of its North American production sites have achieved all-time safety records. Two plants have achieved "zero" lost-time incidents for more than 11 consecutive years, while a third has just recorded 800,000 working hours without a lost-time incident.
The Surface Specialties plant in Langley, S.C., which produces acrylic resins for the graphic arts and adhesives industries, and the laboratory/pilot plant in Indian Orchard, Mass., which manufactures a range of adhesives and liquid coating resins, combined have achieved more than 1.2 million working hours without a lost-time incident.
A third site in North Augusta, S.C., which manufactures acrylated resins and monomers for Radcure UV/EB technologies and polyester resins for powder coating technologies, has just reached the milestone of 800,000 man-hours worked without a lost-time incident.