Dates Set for Fraunhofer IFAM European Adhesive Bonder (EAB) and European Adhesive Specialist (EAS) Courses in North America
The ChemQuest Group, a global consulting firm focused on tailored business strategy and optimization, technology acceleration, market intelligence, and M&A advisory services for the specialty materials industry, announced that registration is open for two accredited adhesive bonding-focused courses in 2024. ChemQuest is Fraunhofer IFAM’s exclusive partner in North America for its European Adhesive Bonder (EAB) and European Adhesive Specialist (EAS) courses.
The EAB course will be held January 22-26 at the ChemQuest Technology Institute (CQTI) facilities in South Boston, Va. This introductory course provides attendees with the fundamentals of adhesive bonding. Participants will gain an understanding of the technical aspects and importance of their work procedures, enabling them to independently and professionally carry out adhesive bonding work.
Beginning April 22, the more advanced EAS course will blend remote and in-person learning to provide participants with a combined virtual and hands-on opportunity. The EAS course consists of three weeks of structured online classes and one week of in-person activities and testing sessions:
- Online Week 1 – April 22-26
- Online Week 2 – May 13-17
- Online Week 3 – June 3-7
- Onsite Week 4 – June 17-21 at CQTI in South Boston, Va.
Attendees of the EAS course will learn about the different types of adhesives and substrates, various surface treatments, test methods, safety considerations, and more. Upon completion, course graduates will be able to take on supervisory functions, prepare work instructions, and make contributions to quality assurance aspects of adhesive bonding technology.
For additional details and registration information, visit https://chemquest.com/education/#fraunhofer-adhesive.