Sustainability and Bio-based

PPG Upholds EcoVadis Gold Rating for Sustainability Progress

August 31, 2022

PPG announced that it has maintained a Gold Rating in corporate social responsibility from EcoVadis, which is a trusted business sustainability ratings platform. PPG ranked higher than 92% of evaluated companies. The company earned high scores for its environmental, ethics, and sustainable procurement practices. PPG recently expanded assessment of its global supply base utilizing EcoVadis’ four sustainability categories. By the end of 2021, more than 67% of invited PPG suppliers had responded to the assessment, many of which performed above the EcoVadis average.

EcoVadis experts evaluate company performance on 21 factors grouped into four categories: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Each company is assessed in these areas based on size, location, and industry. The rating methodology is based on international sustainability standards and initiatives, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, United Nations Global Compact, and ISO 26000 standard (social responsibility).

“At PPG, we take great pride in the sustainability of our operations as well as the sustainability of our strategic supplier base,” said Diane Kappas, PPG vice president, Global Sustainability. “We are honored that EcoVadis recognizes our efforts, and we look forward to sharing continued progress against our near-term and longer-term sustainability goals.”

For more information, visit: sustainability.ppg.com/.