PPG digital styling program
Caption: Developed by PPG, the digital vehicle model is designed to depict the interaction of color, geometry and light to create authentic renderings of a vehicle’s surfaces. (Photo courtesy of PPG.)

PPG Launches Styling Program for Automotive Color Modeling

February 15, 2021

PITTSBURGH – PPG announced the introduction of a digital styling program that enables automotive designers to execute exceptionally realistic three-dimensional modeling of automotive colors and effects on virtual car designs and surfaces. Exclusive to the program is the PPG proprietary “speed shape” that incorporates all the complex shapes, edges, curves and flat surfaces that would comprise any type of automobile. Developed by PPG, the digital vehicle model is designed to depict the interaction of color, geometry and light to create authentic renderings of a vehicle’s surfaces, including its wheels and interior components.

In addition to speed shape, the digital styling program will offer automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) complete access to PPG’s expansive library of digital color files. It is also fully compatible with industry-standard color-rendering software, enabling OEM design teams to collaborate with PPG directly, remotely and in real time on the color design process.

The program’s launch is the first step in digitizing the entire color styling process for PPG customers. “Throughout the pandemic, PPG has recognized our customers’ increasing need for digital tools and technologies,” said Federico Menta, PPG Global Technical Director, Customer Development, Automotive OEM Coatings. “Our industry-leading color experts have already used the program to conduct color styling sessions with several major OEM design teams. Many of those customers believe our program offers an effective alternative to managing the color-styling process in person. We believe it will enhance customer intimacy and create an opportunity for a collaborative color-creation process.”

PPG reports that in addition to being a viable substitute for traditional in-person/in-studio color styling, the program can help OEMs realize significant cost savings. “The ability to integrate new color ideas directly into the customer design process allows our customers to extract time and cost from color-rendering activities,” said Rebecca Liebert, PPG Executive Vice President. “There are also other financial benefits associated with the program, including enhanced speed to market.”

To learn more about PPG’s digital styling program or to see a brief demonstration of its capabilities, visit http://www.ppgautocoatings.com/color.