
PPG and BIMSMITH Offer Building Information Modeling to Architects

March 1, 2019

PITTSBURGH – PPG announced the availability of comprehensive building information modeling (BIM) materials for its architectural and metal coatings through a new partnership with BIMSMITH®, a leading cloud platform for architects and designers.

The partnership enables designers to use PPG’s architectural and metal coatings alongside exterior components in AUTODESK® REVIT® and other leading architectural design applications, adding efficiency and intelligence to a building’s design and maintenance.

The new PPG BIM materials include PPG DURANAR® coatings, which are known around the world for exceptional durability and performance.

PPG also offers more than 70 architectural coatings from the PPG PAINTS™ brand on the BIMsmith platform, including MANOR HALL® paint, SPEEDHIDE® paint and BREAK-THROUGH!® paint.

“Architects have chosen PPG Duranar coatings and other PPG innovations for their architectural and metal coatings for decades,” said Scott Moffatt, PPG Market Manager, Architectural Coil and Extrusion Coatings. “With easy access to BIM data, they now can incorporate PPG coatings more efficiently and effectively into the design process.”

PPG BIM materials can be downloaded for free at market.bimsmith.com/ppg-coatings.