
Heubach Publishes First Sustainability Report

December 7, 2018

LANGELSHEIM, Germany — The Heubach GmbH Group published its first sustainability report for the 2017 financial year, offering readers an insight into the sustainability topics that are relevant for the company.

As a mid-sized company, Heubach is not currently required to publish a sustainability report. The company made a voluntary decision to communicate its social, ecological and economic involvement to its stakeholder groups in a transparent way in accordance with the German Sustainability Code.

“The trust which our stakeholders place in the company’s responsible and lawful conduct is of crucial importance to the long-term success and reputation of the Heubach GmbH Group. That’s why we, as a globally operating company, consider it a matter of course that we address the needs of current and future generations in a sustainable way as we conduct our business,” said Dr. Reiner Martens, Managing Director of Heubach GmbH.

The company referred to the sustainability check outlined by the Chemie3 initiative in order to identify the essential aspects. Heubach is disclosing the current state of its learning process as well as goals and concrete measures in the key areas of sustainability management, products, environmental protection and employee responsibility.

The publication of its first sustainability report is an important milestone for Heubach. By compiling this report, the company has conducted an inventory that is enabling it to pool its activities in the area of sustainability in a targeted way, provide strategic orientation for these activities, and continually drive them forward.

“We are already in an excellent position in some aspects of sustainability. During the course of the process we have initiated, the various individual topics will now be integrated into a holistic sustainability management system,” said Birgit Genn, Managing Director of Heubach GmbH.

The full sustainability report published by the Heubach GmbH Group is available for download as a PDF at www.heubachcolor.com/downloads/. The printed version can be requested via the contact form on the company’s website starting in January 2019.