
Missouri S&T Offers Short Courses

February 15, 2018

ROLLA, MO - Missouri S&T is offering it short course, "Introduction to Paint Formulation," May 14-18, 2018. This course is intended to give attendees a fundamental knowledge of how to approach a starting formulation and troubleshoot it. This course involves both lecture and laboratory work.

For more information, visit http://coatings.mst.edu. To register, e-mail mstformulation@mst.edu or call 573/341.4419. The short is held on the Rolla Campus in Rolla, Missouri.

Missouri S&T is also offering two online short courses, "Introduction to the Coating Systems" and "Surface Defects: Elimination from Human and Process Contaminants."

"Introduction to the Coating Systems" is targeted for automotive and aviation-type OEM companies. This self-paced seminar will cover the painting system from the composition of paints to the evaluation of the dry film. Pigments, resin, solvents and additives will be discussed, including their influence on a coating’s performance. Color measurement, surface profile and other evaluation criteria will be related to composition. The importance of surface preparation and other manufacturing criteria will show the system complexity and each step's importance.

"Surface Defects: Elimination from Human and Process Contaminants" addresses many of the issues in prevention and minimization of defects. The course covers the defects caused by the coating process, as well as human issues, including personal care product causes. Several surface defects are discussed, from basic principles and real-world automotive and aircraft examples. The highly practical approach of this course will help personnel involved in the painting operation to reduce and systematically approach issues.