Submit Your Question for Friday’s CTT Panel Discussion
This year, Coatings Trends & Technologies (CTT) will feature an informative and interactive panel discussion titled, Technology Transfer: Using the “Want, Find, Get, Manage Model®” to Commercialize Technology. The discussion will be led by experts representing various areas of the value chain to discuss technology transfer – the process of innovating, scouting new technologies and leveraging them into business. What questions do you have regarding this topic? If you are attending CTT, you can turn in your questions at the event registration table. Not attending CTT? Submit your questions at
The panel discussion will also be broadcast live, so you can watch from your home or office. You can register to watch this and several other CTT sessions live or on demand at;F:APIUTILS!51004&PageID=F9622165-5E65-48A2-8038-843F319B2272&AffiliateData=CTTsite.