Trade Mission to Mexico City for Coatings Materials Suppliers
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, is organizing the first trade mission for U.S. paint and coatings materials suppliers in conjunction with the ANAFAPYT (Mexican National Association of Manufacturers of Paints and Inks) trade show, ANAFAPYT Latin America Coatings Show 2017.
The purpose of the mission is to help participating raw material and equipment suppliers to the paints and coatings industry gain market insight, make industry contacts, solidify business strategies, and advance specific projects with the goal of increasing their exports and business in Mexico.
Why Mexico? More than 50% of the raw materials used in the Mexican paints and coatings industry are imported, principally from the United States. Local manufacturers are increasingly investing in technology for this industry, thereby increasing the demand for raw materials, making this niche sector a good prospect for U.S. exporters.
The trade mission will feature:
- Business-to-Business Matchmaking appointments;
- Embassy Commercial Briefing for mission participants;
- Networking reception to meet with various key Mexican contacts;
- Industry overview and presentations in the chemical and auto sectors;
- A “mini” trade fair at the Embassy, where participating company representatives will have the opportunity to meet with invited contacts comprised of distributors or importers for the chemicals, paints and automotive sectors; and
- A catalogue show at ANAFAPYT Coatings Show for mission participants.
Firms participating in the trade mission may also take advantage of complimentary registration or discounted exhibit fees to the ANAFAPYT Coatings Show, which takes place June 20-22, 2017, in Mexico City.
For full details including application link and participation fees, visit http://2016.export.gov/trademissions/mexicopaintsandcoatings.