Axalta Coating Systems Introduces New Warranty Program for Architectural Powder Coatings Line in China
SHANGHAI - Axalta Huajia Coatings, a joint-venture of Axalta Coating Systems and Huangshan Yongjia Group Co. Ltd., has developed a new warranty program for its Alesta™ architectural powder coatings premium line in China.
Alesta powder coatings are established performers that meet rigorous architectural specifications set forth in AAMA 2603 and 2604 or equivalent standards. Axalta’s Alesta AD, SD and UD premium powder coatings offer superior durability and come in a wide selection of colors and gloss levels. They also contain virtually zero VOCs and no targeted HAPs.
The new program offers a warranties for Alesta AD, Alesta SD and Alesta UD powder coatings. Alesta AD polyester-based powder coatings come with a 10-year Gold Warranty and meet AAMA 2603 requirements or equivalent. Alesta SD polyester-based powder coatings surpass AAMA 2604 requirements or equivalent and come with a 20-year Platinum Warranty. The fluoropolymer-based Alesta UD series powder coatings come with a 30-year Diamond Warranty and offer many advantages such as superior weathering and mechanical properties.