
Solar Impulse Pilot to Deliver Keynote Address at Polyurethanes Technical Conference

June 28, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC – The Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI) announced that André Borschberg, one of the pilots and co-developer of the Solar Impulse solar-powered aircraft, will deliver the keynote address during the Opening Session of the 2015 Polyurethanes Technical Conference on October 5 in Orlando.

The aircraft, known as Solar Impulse 2, is the only solar-powered aircraft in the world that can fly day and night with a pilot on board. Solar Impulse 2 is covered in 17,248 solar cells to power four electric motors and propellers. The aircraft is currently on the seventh leg of its voyage around the world, demonstrating that today’s lightweight, durable and energy-efficient polyurethane technologies can be harnessed to achieve new milestones and set new records.

Borschberg is at the command for this leg, which will be the first time Solar Impulse 2 attempts to cross an ocean. The aircraft will travel from Asia to Hawaii, testing the endurance and resilience of both the pilot and the plane. This first-of-its-kind aviation adventure will attempt to be the longest solar-powered flight in duration ever flown, expected to last a minimum of five days and five nights.

The 2015 Polyurethanes Technical Conference features 16 sessions and more than 65 papers with topics spanning everything from cutting-edge polyurethanes technologies and chemistry-focused technical discussions to big-picture analysis of industry trends. The conference remains a benchmark for the industry’s top technical discussions and presentations.

To learn more about registering for the conference, visit the conference website. Early registration rates are available until September 4.