Now On Demand The choices professional painters make in the store are immediately visible on finished, painted surfaces. This influential group of end users benefits from the coatings chemistries that are developed to offer preferred performance characteristics and application benefits.
Professional painters’ top priorities include using paints and primers that hide well without multiple coats and apply smoothly to surfaces without leaving brush or roller marks. Paint qualities like scrubbability, durability and mildew and stain resistance also generate interest, as do coatings with low-VOC capability and the capacity to improve indoor air quality. This webinar will discuss the chemistries underlying these valued traits that benefit both residential and commercial professional painters.
Attendees will learn about:
- Binders that help improve hiding ability by balancing TiO2 efficiency across a variety of substrates
- Polymer and rheology modifier chemistries that, when combined, can facilitate smooth, consistent paint finishes with fewer coats
- Functional paints that can abate formaldehyde found in indoor air
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