Manufacturing organizations have incorporated sustainable formulations that supports a circular economy by the inclusion of renewable raw materials, as well as water- and vegetable oil-based products in place of solvent-based like mineral oil.
With the debut of Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, NV, on September 21 in prime time and in front of a national television audience on Monday Night Football, most of the venue’s interior, exterior and structural surfaces were finished with PPG paints, coatings and specialty materials.
A center for disadvantaged children received a fresh, welcoming new look recently thanks to an exterior restoration project using NeverFade® Façade Restoration Coatings with Kynar Aquatec® from APV Engineered Coatings.
Data Loggers are devices that record information by periodically taking measurements from external or internal sensors over an extended period of time, and are an ideal way to capture data by removing the need for personnel to spend time manually taking and recording measurements.
As the hospitality industry slowly begins to return to business following the ease of restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increased demand for Versital surfaces with SteriTouch antimicrobial protection within bars, restaurants, public washrooms and other public areas.
In the Indian (as well as African) subcontinent there is a maze of water transportation pipelines being laid that faithfully relies on the proven track record of coal tar products (commonly referred as wrapping coating) for underground installations. This article looks at various coal tar-based anti-corrosive systems used for UG piping and their relevance in today's industry, especially the widely used torch-applied coal tar tapes.
There is no doubt that mobility, sustainability and the rise of smart manufacturing will continue to reshape the global industrial landscape and stimulate economic growth. Chemical companies can innovate breakthrough solutions by banding together with industry peers, customers, regulators and other stakeholders.
Signal Group has confirmed that the latest version of its portable FID analyzer, the 3010 MINIFID PURE, is being submitted to TÜV for QAL1 testing. This is a procedure to demonstrate that the instrument is suitable for its intended purpose, and meets required performance standards and the uncertainty allowances specified in EU Directives.